Rexx Janowiak, ACF
Senior Forester, Tree Farm Group Manager
A native of Free Soil, Michigan, Rexx Janowiak joined GTCF in 2003 after gaining experience working in the forest industry and for state agencies in Michigan and Wisconsin. Rexx's duties include project proposals, client relations, timber harvest planning, layout and administration, and timber marketing. Rexx is also the group manager of the Green Timber Tree Farm Group. In his free time, Rexx is an avid fisherman and hunter and also enjoys spending time mountain biking. Rexx is a member of the Otter Lake Sportsman's Club, Ducks Unlimited, and the Ruffed Grouse Society. He enjoys spending time with his wife working on their property on Otter Lake.
Affiliations and Certifications
- Association of Consulting Foresters (ACF) Member since 2011
- Michigan Chapter of ACF President, 2016-2018
- Michigan Registered Forester #3301046012
- Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical Service Provider (NRCS - TSP)
- Certified Tree Farm Inspector
- Certified Forest Stewardship Plan Writer (Michigan)
- Eligible to write Qualified Forest Program (QFP) Management Plans
- Eligible to write Commercial Forest (CF) Management Plans
- Otter Lake Sportsman's Club
- Ducks Unlimited
- Ruffed Grouse Society
- B.S. in Forestry, Cum Laude, Michigan Technological University, 2002