Karl Ploeckelman

Karl Ploeckelman

Forest Management Planning Director

Karl joined the staff of Green Timber Consulting Foresters in April of 2018. A native farm boy of central Wisconsin, Karl graduated from University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with a Bachelor of Science in Forest Management in 2016. He then developed his inventory and management planning skills while working with Menominee Tribal Enterprises on their Continuous Forest Inventory (CFI). Continuing to pursue his passion for trees, Karl also spent a bit of time as a certified arborist, learning to professionally climb, prune, and care for urban landscape trees. Now, Karl serves as Green Timber’s Management Planning Director, helping all kinds of landowners develop plans and strategies to successfully achieve their goals.  Outside of work, Karl enjoys playing frisbee sports, camping, downhill skiing, helping his parents on their dairy farm in Wisconsin, and spending time with family and friends.

Affiliations and Certifications

  • Michigan Registered Forester #47011
  • Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical Service Provider (NRCS - TSP)
  • Certified Forest Stewardship Plan Writer (Michigan)
  • Eligible to write Qualified Forest Program (QFP) Management Plans
  • Eligible to write Commercial Forest (CF) Management Plans
  • Certified Tree Farm Inspector
  • B.S. in Forestry, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2016
    • Major- Forest Management
    • Minor- Forest Recreation