Make the most of your property
Join fellow landowners in an innovative approach to protect forests and fight climate change at zero cost.
Teamwork: Green Timber is sponsoring this carbon aggregation program for landowners with 800+ acres, and will serve as your advocate and contact. Greenline Climate, our trusted forest carbon project developer, is financing and managing the project. You and your fellow landowners simply enroll your parcels and earn income from sustainable forest management.
Balance: Leverage our scientific expertise to balance sustainable forest management, conservation, and economics, ensuring maximum benefits to participating landowners and the environment.
Continuity: Trust the Green Timber-Greenline Climate team to be engaged throughout the project lifetime. We value transparency, and you will receive individual attention and hands-on support from us through all phases of the project.
Security: Reap the benefits of working with carbon experts and fellow Yoopers. Green Timber and Greenline Climate are well versed in all aspects of the process needed to create—and maintain—successful carbon projects. Prioritizing your interests, we ensure that you remain legally protected while benefitting from the best science and technology. Enjoy additional revenue stream from your forest property while Greenline Climate covers startup expenses and takes on the risk of getting the project to market.
Call (906) 353-8584 or send a message to get started.
Learn more by reading our Forest Carbon FAQs
Local Experts
- Join a community of fellow landowners to reduce costs, increase income, and expand your environmental impact.
- This team of experts has experience maintaining over one million acres of forest carbon projects.
- Our Green Timber forestry family all call the UP home and have a vested interest in maintaining quality forest lands for our communities.
Income Benefits
- Gain additional revenue from your forest property.
- Pool resources with other landowners and break down barriers to carbon market entry.
- Enter the market with zero out-of-pocket expenses. Our partner, Greenline Climate, will cover the startup costs and the risk of getting the project to market.
- Benefit from a monitoring fund that covers costs through the project’s lifetime, eliminating out-of-pocket or surprise fees.
Science Benefits
- Work with leaders in the carbon market. Green Timber has over 80 years of experience in forest management, timber harvest administration, and forest inventory, and is highly regarded in the offset market for our quality carbon-specific forest inventories. Greenline Climate has been active in the forest carbon projects since the inception of the offset market, and are known in the carbon offset world for 'bringing science to market.' Together, our rigorous forest science background ensures that your forest carbon project produces real benefits both for you and the planet.
- Leverage our collaborative scientific expertise to help balance your forest management activities with the requirements of the carbon offset market.
Enrollment Criteria
- Individual landowners must have a minimum of 800 acres
- Maintain a native species composition and canopy cover in your enrolled forests
- Established conservation easements are not required, but are accepted if younger than one year old
- Sustainable forest management and timber harvesting is acceptable
For the harvest of timber, you will need a certified forest management plan (ATFS, FSC, SFI, or BIA) with a commitment to sustainable yield. The team at Green Timber can help you determine the best plan to balance timber production and carbon sequestration given your ownership goals.
We welcome your questions: (906) 353-8584
- Connect: Call (906) 353-8584 or send us a message. We’ll help you determine if your property is the right fit.
- Enroll: Once you qualify, benefit from our legal framework designed to protect your best interests.
- Calculate: Green Timber will collect data on your trees, which then creates forest carbon offset credits.
- Earn: Your profits come from the sale of credits. Our teams value full transparency and accountability.
- Maintain: We will handle the project monitoring requirements to ensure your project stays on track. We take care of you, so you can care for your trees.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Call (906) 353-8584 or send a message to get started.