Timber Valuation & Land Appraisals

With over 70 years of combined forestry experience, our team is well-equipped to collect high-quality forest inventory data to provide you with a reasonable expectation for financial returns that your forested acreage can provide. We take wood product quality, species composition, current and anticipated future markets, property location and access, and a variety of other factors into account when assessing timber value in order to ensure that you are well-informed while making forest management decisions. Although our forest inventory cruises are always conducted in compliance with our detailed cruise specifications, we are able to adjust our cruise plot intensity per acre in order to suit the needs and desires of our clients. If you would like an inventory on a large parcel and require an intensive cruise, we are able to design a higher plot intensity in order to lower statistical error and provide you with the most accurate estimate possible.

If you are interested in a timber valuation but would like less up-front cost, we can tailor the cruise to be less-intensive and provide you with a valuation with an error tolerance that is within your budget. If you need a detailed land appraisal, we have working relationships with local appraisers that utilize comparable properties and inventory data analysis methods to determine the value of your property. Our team of experts will evaluate your appraisal needs and develop a project that meets your goals and fits your budget.

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Timber Trespass Valuation Services

Although uncommon, timber trespass has occurred on some of our client’s properties. If you suspect that an adjacent landowner has unrightfully harvested timber under your ownership, we are able to provide guidance on the best course of action to remedy the situation. If the trespass has occurred on a large enough scale that litigation is necessary, we can provide an estimate for the total value of stolen timber and assist you through this difficult process. These issues are very time-sensitive and it is imperative that you contact us immediately if you suspect timber trespass has occurred on your property. 

Contact Green Timber Consulting Foresters