Maximum Value from Your Forests
Forest management often occurs on a relatively-long time scale. This can be attributed to a variety of factors including:
- Current timber market peaks and troughs
- Current forest growth rate and future potential
- Size and location of your timber sale
- Seasonal harvest limitations
- Forest health concerns and associated risk
Stumpage prices are often fluctuating, and therefore, permitting no imminent forest health concerns, it may be in your best interest to postpone harvest to capitalize on timber market peaks. The merchantability of a timber sale can often be further improved by scheduling nearby or adjacent properties under different ownerships for harvest at the same time. To maximize your realized revenue through timber harvest, Green Timber Consulting Foresters continuously updates and maintains a geodatabase of past clients. Maintaining and analyzing this geodatabase allows us to schedule harvests across multiple private ownerships in close proximity with similar seasonal harvest opportunities, if possible. Scheduling these harvests on a similar timeline often improves the economic feasibility of such harvests, which will maximize your realized price per unit volume of harvested timber.
Long-Term Management
For larger landowners, we are capable of scheduling and conducting long-term management that will provide consistent revenue streams. In an effort to maintain consistent high-quality management throughout this long-term management process, we are willing to negotiate long-term management contracts. If you are interested in doing so, we are also capable of projecting the growth of your forest over time in order to provide you with a better estimate of what to expect in future returns from your investment into forest management.