Carbon feasibility

Carbon projects are a decades long commitment, with large investment costs to get the project inventoried and verified. However, for large landowners the initial payoff and then yearly growth payments can be a significant source on income.

We have the experience to collect initial data in a manner much less rigorous than a carbon inventory and use that data to make projections. Another option is to be provided data from previous inventories (often property wide timber inventories) and make adjustments to the data applicable to calculating carbon. These calculations are done through a variety of tools such as the Forest Vegetation Software (FVS), T-Cruise, and Microsoft Excel. In addition to estimating the amount of stored carbon on a property, these tools can also be used to project future growth under a wide variety of real-world scenarios. All of this, to help you as a landowner make informed decisions.

Land Acquisition

If you are looking to acquire timberland, whether it be a small parcel for recreational purposes or an industrial grade property, we can conduct due diligence work to develop an accurate estimate of timber volumes and value. Our years of experience in forest inventory, forest management, and timber markets will allow us to advise you in making an informed purchase decision.